Laura Sheeran

Laura haunting music was something lacking in the Irish musical world. for ages I’ve been listening to stuff that bordered on being totally naff just to get my hit of something deep and celtic. For me Laura’s work is brilliant because it’s personal at times and then heads off to a land of mysticism. I’ve only seen her perform live once and it was an eye opener. She is taping into something totally honest and I’d say Lauras output so far is just the tip of the iceburg.

Lupine Rot by Laura Sheeran

Her ‘Lust of the Pig and Fresh Blood’ album is coming out in the new year and was totally funded by donations to her page. This site allows musicians to raise funds by pledgers pre-ordering music as well as getting a ton of exclusive stuff. As well as that 5% of the money raise go to a charity of the artists choosing which in this case was Depaul Ireland.

Lust Of Pig by Laura Sheeran

It was savage that she could contribute a remix to the Bothar BuĂ­ ep. Her track stood out the most to me for being such an abstract ball of sounds. I must ask her if she has a longer version of it actually. Have a look at more updates.

Laura Sheeran will be playing in Nuns Island Theatre on the 27th of Nov along with ourselves, Kevin Blake and First Blood Part ii (who are in earlier posts)

posted by rory on November 27th, 2010